courgettes and tomatoes care of
On Apr 29, 8:39*pm, "john brook" wrote:
Novice has just been *given a couple of baby courgette plants and three very
small tomato plants.
We tried growing the same plants growbags last year and found we don't take
to growbags much. (difficult to water and with a very small garden just look
a bit of an eyesore).
The other half has just popped them in plastic pots 8" (20cm) high and 9.5"
(24cm) diameter at the top.
She used 'unused' growbag compost left over from last year to put in the
pots. I read somewhere that john innes compost should not be kept from one
season to another, since the fertiliser 'degrades' over time. I'm guessing
the same might have happened to the nutrients in the growbag?
Ideally what would be a good size pot to put these plants in and what
ideally would be the right kind of soil, please? *We have some liquid tomato
feed left over from last year, would that still be alright for these plants?
Thanks for any advice.
I have found that B & Q 70litr bags of compost make good grow bags for
tomatoes etc, 4 plants to a bag.
You can always make a small frame to hide the bag,
Old, unused compost is OK, just may require eartlier feeding, last
years unused tomato feed should be fine to use this year.