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Old 29-04-2011, 08:35 PM posted to rec.gardens
[email protected] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2009
Posts: 174
Default Little Purple Flowers In Lawn

Peppermint Patootie writes:

In article ,
(EVP MAN) wrote:

Why......... Because soon I won't have any grass. All of a sudden these
violets are taking over the whole front lawn. There are thousands of
them out there! Hand pulling these would be next to impossible!


Violets don't last long. Enjoy them while they're there.

They last all summer.

Sure the flowers bloom mostly in the spring but the dark green leaves
are visible year round.

Of course if you have a few acres of lawn that you only see from a
distance, it's no problem. But if you're trying to grow something
you view frequently from close up they can be a problem.

What I don't get is how they spread.
Of all the little plants I pulled out, only one so far has had
a seed pod. So if they spread by seeds I don't see how.

I'd expect they spread by rhizome. But the rhizome looks like
it's an inch to an inch and a half long. I'd expect to see them
in adjacent clumps, about an inch apart, but that's not how they grow.
They're pretty much spread out everywhere.

Is there a thinner part to the rhizome that you don't see when you
pull the plant?