Originally Posted by Rachel 101
Kay, thank you for such a quick answer: I originally thought it was Rosebay Willowherb but I wasn't at all sure that it had such rhubarb-red stems.
Typically, I can't find any pictures of it when young!
I've now managed to get a picture of it on the internet:
Does this turn into Rosebay Willowherb?
Quite possibly.
Well, to be pedantic, no - it doesn't *turn* into anything. It either is already or it isn't ;-)
It looks very much like a willowherb or ally, doesn't quite look like rosebay, but at 3-4ft you haven't many options - only that, or great willowherb (which has hairy leaves) or purple loosestrife (and the leaves are wrong for that). Rosebay isn't actually a willowherb, although we've all always called it one.
It's certainly not Himalayan Balsam or Herb Robert!
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