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Old 20-04-2003, 07:20 AM
Dave M. Picklyk
Posts: n/a
Default Aussie Dwarf blue rainbows too big for 15 gal?

My tank is pretty high akaline, which was another good but minor reason to
support rainbows. My water right now is about 7.8. I've read up that
cardinals like 6 ??

"Peimur" wrote in message
I think I'd go with Cardinal Tetras over Neon Tetras personally, but thats
just my choice. I agree that the Rainbows will probably be to large, my
senior dwarf neons were about 3 inches long when they decided they didn't
want to live in my tank anymore. So they do get quite big even though they
start out small.


"Dave M. Picklyk" wrote in message
. ..
(amend the last statement, I meant get a school of 10 neon tetras...not
rainbows )

"Dave M. Picklyk" wrote in message
I have a 15 gal. aquarium with 3 otos, 2 bronze cats and a betta. I

planning on putting about 4-5 Australian Dwarf neon blue rainbowfish

(I have about 9 rainbows in my 48 gal. and they are nice and active

bite my fingers).

IS a 15 gal too small? Will they outgrow it in no time? I know my

in my 48 gal. love to swim around a lot and they are about 4-5 inches


If not, what fish would be bright and colorful, schools good in 4s or

long bodied like rainbows, very very active, non-agressive, and of

good for this size of aquariums? My wife loves those blue neons...I

get a school of what---10 or so?