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Old 20-04-2003, 07:20 AM
Dave M. Picklyk
Posts: n/a
Default Aussie Dwarf blue rainbows too big for 15 gal?

(amend the last statement, I meant get a school of 10 neon tetras...not
rainbows )

"Dave M. Picklyk" wrote in message
I have a 15 gal. aquarium with 3 otos, 2 bronze cats and a betta. I was
planning on putting about 4-5 Australian Dwarf neon blue rainbowfish in it
(I have about 9 rainbows in my 48 gal. and they are nice and active and

bite my fingers).

IS a 15 gal too small? Will they outgrow it in no time? I know my rainbows
in my 48 gal. love to swim around a lot and they are about 4-5 inches


If not, what fish would be bright and colorful, schools good in 4s or 5s,
long bodied like rainbows, very very active, non-agressive, and of course
good for this size of aquariums? My wife loves those blue neons...I could
get a school of what---10 or so?