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Old 09-04-2011, 09:11 PM posted to rec.gardens
Gunner[_3_] Gunner[_3_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2010
Posts: 330
Default Post Hole Digger And Dry Farming Tomatoes This Season

On Apr 6, 7:26*am, (EVP MAN) wrote:

This year I'll be trying an experiment ........ *Any advice will
indeed be helpful

Rich from PA

You are attempting to water stress your plant in order to produce a
superior taste, is that accurate?

As I said earlier, do share your results and don't let a "Shelton
rant" rattle ya. However, do keep what Sheldon and David wrote in
the back of your mind because you will see what they are talking
about. You are digging a container in the ground which is not the best
route to go for a number of reasons. Also you are not truly dry
farming, you are just restricting water, which w/o a cover to control
the environment is worthless. Humidity is another factor. You must
consider the plant's water use efficiency and the plant physiology. I
believe you should expect more BER in this experiment of yours.
Personally I think your taking the wrong approach to improving tomato
flavor. I am of the opinion it's not the water... it's more genetics
and nutrients. But experimenting is fun and one way to learn.

I assume you have your soil test results to guide you before you
start digging these container holes in the clay soil?