flower ideas sought for very thin poor soil area
On Thu, 07 Apr 2011 19:35:52 +0100, The Night Tripper
Hi there
Thanks for all the ideas. I actually have some Californian Poppy seeds I
meant to sow last year, so I'll certainly try those. I meant Rosebay Willow
Herb rather than the Clematis that was mentioned. And I have a fondness for
Nasturtiums for obscure reasons, so I'll give those a try (I probably should
have mentioned that this little strip is adjacent to a chain link fence.
Thanks a lot.
I really recommend you not to use rose bay willow herb: I doubt if it
would actually grow in the near soil-less conditions you describe, but
if it did, you'd infest your own and every garden in the neighbourhood
with its wind-blown seeds.