i know it as scarifying seeds, not generally required for vegetable
seeds and annual/perrennial garden seed.
but can be very necessary with seeds from native plants, to especially
if they have a hard coveing of the seed, if the seeds are large enugh
about the size of 3 pin heads i use a blade knife and shave some of
the oute covering off on the side of eh seed untill you see the
lighter inner colour, this allows for moisture to get into the seed
and cause a better gemination rate quicker. other methods are pour hot
wate on the seeds and leave for 24 hoursoeh native plant germinators
have said they leave the seeds in the wate until they swell.
anoterh method is to soak seed in smokey wate (do a google), i've had
good success with the shave or rub one side on some emery paper
method, plant seeds in regular seed raising mix learn how the seedling
develops we ahve a an endangered tree over hee that i regularly pass
seeds around for i have had excellent gemination rate between 95 &
100%, but they need to be planted individually in pots with enough
depth of medium so they can set their root system first the top looks
like it is dormant at this satge ( and it is at this stage thatlosses
occur as they don't take kindly to ransplanting until the top is well
develped ie.,. small tree), so you can ahve 2 teeny leaves sitting
there apparently doing nothing. but it is also a seed that needs to be
used as fresh as after about 12 weeks in store they start to lose
if you do teh ground work you will know waht will work best for
particular plants
On Wed, 23 Mar 2011 02:45:17 +0000, qazwsxed
Matthew 25:13 KJV
"Watch therefore, for ye know neither
the day nor the hour wherein the Son
of man cometh"
Mark 13:33 "Take ye heed, watch and pray:
for ye know not when the time is".
and also: Isaiah 38:1&17-18 KJV
1: Thus saith the Lord, set thine house in order: for thou shalt die and not live.
17: for thou hast cast all my sins behind my back.
18: For the grave cannot praise thee, death cannot celebrate thee: they that go down in the pit cannot hope for truth.
With peace and brightest of blessings,
"Seek truth and understanding will follow"