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Old 12-03-2011, 06:36 PM posted to rec.gardens
Billy[_10_] Billy[_10_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Mar 2010
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Default how to make soil amendments without digging up the yard?

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Billy wrote:

How many eggs do you have to eat to get enough shell to spread on a yard?

It's a long term thing, you have to like eggs (maybe your friends or
neighbors will help out), and hopefully they are pastured egg shells
(the eggs will be better for you). It's what I do.

Obviously, if your in a rush and have money to burn, I'd probably do
rock phosphate at 50 lbs.(24 kg) per 1000 sq. ft.(100 sq. m.), unless
you wanted to adjust the pH upwards.

Bone meal would probably be the quickest, without changing the pH.