Thread: Bees, anyone?
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Old 05-02-2011, 11:40 PM posted to rec.gardens
Nad R Nad R is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2011
Posts: 410
Default Bees, anyone?

"cshenk" wrote:
"Nad R" wrote

I also do my taxes by hand. I think by law, the government cannot sell your
personal information but corporations can. Tax agencies that perform taxes
online and those computer programs also sells your tax information to the
advertisers. Read the fine print on those tax software programs. Years ago
those money management software programs could also send your personal
financial information over the Internet without your knowledge, if you did
not have a good firewall. They embedded the tracking software in the
security tracks of ones hard drive that could not be erased even by
reformatting the drive.

Nad, you are an amazing mix of completely unfounded idiocy and partly
understood security. Either way, I see so no reason why you are posting
this compost in the rec.gardens group who are talking about plants and gardens and such.

it is almost like Billy's posting of the Godwin's law. Perhaps call a part
of Chaos Theory. Start with any topic and over time the topic will diverge
in to different subjects. It is the same in my personal life, start with a
subject of interest and soon the mind wanders to different topics. I know
others are more capable of focusing on a specific topic. I am like a kid in
a candy store of life. I am into everything... For a moment.

As for security in my life, financial privacy ranks allot higher than a
private conversation or postings or the things i eat or do. Also Nad or Dan
are not my real names, just a pen names. I have a dozen different email
accounts and a few web sites with real name soundings. Only thing that can
be traced is my IP address.

I also believe this thread will soon be over with. Everyone pretty much
said what they wanted. It is winter here, outdoor gardening is a few months
away. Seed starting next week... Maybe.

Enjoy Life... Nad R (Garden in zone 5a Michigan)