Thread: Ping Billy
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Old 04-02-2011, 11:59 AM posted to rec.gardens
FarmI FarmI is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2007
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Default Ping Billy

"Billy" wrote in message
In article ,
"FarmI" ask@itshall be given wrote:

"Billy" wrote in message
In article ,
"FarmI" ask@itshall be given wrote:

Billy you might get a giggle out of the allusion I made in another ng
yesterday to the benefits of travel. Have a look at the post I made
uk.rec.gardening in the thread 'Allotment rents rise 300%'. :-)))

I think we need the equivalent of a "Godwin's Law" for discussing
Australia. Don't let the Nong get you Knackered. Ain't nothin' a tinnie
can't fix :O)

:-)) I do see what you mean but those nongs only cause boredom at best.

I'm curious about why so few American's seem to know about their own
country's convict history. Most will deny it, and even amongst those few
who have heard tell of it, it'd be rarer still to find anyone who can
mention a colony where convicts were sent.

Georgia, I got Georgia on my mind, but I've been wrong before so I
waited to confirm it, before cranking-up that alligator mouth of mine. I
can't think of the last time I've heard anybody say anything about our
British penal colonies. It sounds like our revolution sent the Brits off
to Australia in search of a home for their seditious types. Interesting,
I wasn't aware of the connection between the establishment of our two

You win several Kewpie dolls for those comments :-)))