Thread: Bees, anyone?
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Old 04-02-2011, 06:19 AM posted to rec.gardens
Higgs Boson Higgs Boson is offline
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Default Bees, anyone?

On Feb 3, 3:31*am, Nad R wrote:
Agreed! Bumblebees are cute and fuzzy in a sleepy-looking sorta way.
Never been stung by one so wouldn't know how they compare in that
respect! Apparently the queens and workers can all sting indefinitely
too... If you've got a nice garden (which I'm sure all of you do )
you can build a wee nest box to attract them: 'Bumblebee nest box trial'

And let's not forget the solitary bee! 'Make a Solitary Bee House'

Apparently mosquitoes and bats are good pollinators too

Interesting web site on bees.
Bats are pollinators? *I wonder how bats do it? Now googling.

Mosquitos too.

After googling, I learned something new. I thought bats were for bug
control only.

But it does explain an odd thing in my life. While weening my transplants
in early spring. I brought my plants inside when the weather got below 40
degrees. After bring in one pot of flowers inside. I saw a bat crawl out
from the pot inside the house. AHHHHH!!!!!!!! I quickly put a clear plastic
bowl over it. It was screaming and I could see it's teeth as it looked me
straight in the eyes! By looking at me in the eyes, *it seemed to have some
basic intelligence.

I still hate mosquitoes, even if they can pollinate some plants, which is
something I did not know.

So then, it is a myth that, without out bees we would loose our food
pollinated crops?

Surely you jest! It is not a myth; it is hard science.