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Old 02-02-2011, 10:26 PM posted to,alt.consumers.pest-control,rec.gardens
Brooklyn1 Brooklyn1 is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2010
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Default Flour & cement powder rat poison - queries

On Wed, 2 Feb 2011 12:38:52 -0800, "Bob F"

aemeijers wrote:

And keeps them from digging up the neighbor's freshly planted
veggies and pooping in their spinach.

I have to put screens over the beds whenever I plant because of
neighbor's uncontrolled cats.

Better that than a smelly cat box (and yes, they ALL do smell- the
owners are just desensitized), and a cat that starts trashing
furniture and becoming crazy and/or obese from lack of stimulation
and exercise. And before you say it, I consider declawing to be
animal cruelty. How would you like the last joint of all your fingers
and toes cut off?
Sorry, 'indoor only' cats may live longer, but they aren't cats any
more. I could never do that to a sentient creature.

But you have no hesitation to do a number on your neighbors with your cats.

People who put house cats out can't possibly care about their pets any
more than people who put their five year olds out to play on the
freeway. Domesticated cats are not ferral, they have very few outdoor
survival skills if any. Most folks who are annoyed by their neighbors
pet cats will shoot them. .177 pellet guns make no noise and leave no
identifying traces.. more cats die from gun shot than from any other
cause. Anyone who puts a house cat out because they think they are
harming a sentient creature by keeping it indoors is a pinhead with a
lower IQ than any cat. And cats don't smell, not unless they are ill.
Exuding no odor is just one way how nature made felines one of the
best hunters on the planet, which is why they also bury their waste,
the only animal that does. Naturally the lazy *******s that don't
regularly clean the cat box are who smell, not the cat. Humans
smell... and I'm positive if I ever visited your terlits I'd about die
from the stench.