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Old 01-02-2011, 11:31 PM posted to rec.gardens
Nad R Nad R is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2011
Posts: 410
Default Way OT, Foreign Aid

Bill who putters wrote:
In article ,
Nad R wrote:

Billy wrote:
In article ,
Nad R wrote:

Billy wrote:
In article ,
Nad R wrote:

Bud wrote:
Do you know why there are no Wal*Mart stores in Germany? Of course you
don't. Do you know why Gernany does not want to bail out the countries
Spain, Ireland and Greece? I'll let you in on a little secret, they
strict banking laws and labor laws.

Some of you need to take economics 101. A little world history reading
would help too.

They also have strict trade laws. Free trade with them is a one way

And that is the problem of neo-liberal economics. No developing country
can compete with the resources of an established industrial country,
which will buy up the resources of a developing country, and incentivize
old technology and cheap wages.

Germany also has the 4th largest economy in the world, and they didn't
send their jobs over seas.

Tell us wherein their sin lies. They encourage exports and don't
encourage imports? At least they have something to export besides

I agree with that. No sin at all one the Germans part. Sins on the US part
"Stupidity" if that is called a sin?
Only looks like stupidity, because it fails to do its avowed intent of
strengthening the economy, but if it is meant to facilitate the transfer
of money from the poor to the rich, then it works just fine, which is a

As a liberal, I do hate term "neo-liberal". However, The government needs
to rein in the free market concept.
"New liberals" are supposed to be the devolution from liberal to
conservative, feral corporatists who want no impediments to business,
including democracy.

However, as this process enshrines itself, I find myself being strangely
attracted to the NRA, who claim that guns aren't for hunting or
self-defense, but to protect against us against our enemies, foreign and

I left my "beater" of a truck (1980 Datsun) unstarted for too long.
Couldn't get it to start, even though it turned over. I think the
ignition system is damp. It's at the mechanic's now. I wanted to go to
the feed store to get some straw for my potato planting. I'm hoping to
transfer volunteer potato plants to a new bed in the name of rotation.

I grow too many "Solanaceae" (potatoes, peppers, and tomatoes), which
makes crop rotation problematic. On the positive side, I found the
unused balance of an alfalfa bale which had disappeared last Fall
during one of my lovey's assaults on the organization of the garage ;O)
Cold fingers on tap today as I plant potatoes and put chicken wire over
them to protect against our rascally raccoons, which love to dig in

I can only dream of gardening at this time. Twelve inches of snow tonight.
I think I will read a good book on particle physics tonight. My beater
truck is a 1999 Dakota that would not start after I did not use it for a
month. It would not start even after charging the battery. I had it it
towed. What happened was the computer lost it's memory and had to be reset.
Then the truck started right up after the computer was reset. However a
1980 truck is pre computer days.

I still debate about getting another Dodge or a Polaris ATV. ATV's can be
legally driven on country roads in Michigan and does not need insurance.
Just the thing to go to the local TSC store and with a small trailer for
hauling compost or feed. Reason for a Dodge is that I can get a "Plan A"
for buying it at next to cost.

With the nature of this topic, I also wonder about changing my consumerist

I've read "Boojums All The Way Through" by N. David Mermin many times
but I retain little of it.

Fav quote from the book.....

"I am sure" says Popper, " I shall shock many physicists who, after
having reached my fourth or at most my sixth thesis, will stop reading
this rubbish". P 195

I put it on my wish list. $32 for a book on science philosophy? Still looks
like a good read. Since my retirement, I really have to watch my
consumerist ways. I have several books I bought in my sinful consumerist
days that I have not read yet. I find now, I am glad I bought those books
long ago, for I now have the time to read them at long ago prices.

Enjoy Life... Nad R (Garden in zone 5a Michigan)