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Old 13-01-2011, 03:22 PM
GreenThumbLawns GreenThumbLawns is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2011
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Originally Posted by TheWholeTruth View Post
**** GREEN THUMB****


For anyone to spary chemicals on private gardens/public land they need to be qualified to a minimum of PA1 & PA6.

Towards the bottom of the page is a box with VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION about the use of the chemical:-

Safe Use of Pesticides
The last paragraph is of most importance:-

Please be aware that by proceeding you are purchasing a professional pesticide product. You must ensure the end user of these products complies with the DEFRA/HSE Code for the Safe use of Pesticides:

"By law, everyone who uses pesticides professionally must have received adequate training in using pesticides safely and be skilled in the job they are carrying out."

None of hte greenthumb staff he worked with were PA1 or PA6 quailfied. He was disgusted with there handling of the chemical, washing spilt chemical into the land drains, causing possible contamination.

My main bug bear is that greenthumb send out staff to care for customers lawns with no skill/experience, and not qualified, thus they are breaking the law. The machinery (fertiliser spreaders and weedkill sprayers) were not calibrated, so the customer were not getting the optimum treatment (Which is what they were paying for).

Would anybody let someone work on theri gas boiler who wasn't Gas Safe qualfied, or let a mechanic work on their car, who had been a briklayer the week before !!!! Greenthumb work on NUMBERS..... As many gardens treated in a day, regardless of weather condtions. Why spray weedkill when it is raining. Ask any greenkeeper/groundsman if thay would spray in rain ,and they would say 'No' as the rain will just wash the weedkill away, thus not doing it's job.

Sorry for the rant, but it angers me seeing the greenthumb market hold, and how they are breaking the law and ripping people of. From memory, my friend sad that they were not even mixing enough weedkill chemical with the water, so they were applying a weakend soultion, again not doign the job the customer was paying for..... But our British way is not to complain so they get away with it ........ !!!!
This is just a quick note to take issue with the above comments.

GreenThumb has been treating lawns in the UK for 25 years, treating more than 430,000 customers and carrying out over 2 million lawn treatments every year.

They are the largest end user of professional domestic fertiliser in the country and have built their reputation on superb service, superior products, and great value for money.

The business is franchised with more than 200 outlets across the UK. Within those 200+ branches are approximately 600 lawn operatives. Every single lawn operative that works for GreenThumb is PA1 and PA6 licensed. A franchisee could potentially lose his business if he was caught breaking the law in this regard and we would have no problem with any customer asking to see a lawn operatives licence to treat lawns, so do not be afraid to ask.

There may be from time to time an issue with a lawn operative, but if you speak to the local branch they will do what they can to put it right. They offer a 'no quibble' service so if you do have problems, be sure to let your local branch know. GreenThumb is not perfect, but absolutely do their best to make lawns look beautiful, to offer a superb service and to makes their customers happy.