Thread: So lonely...
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Old 03-01-2011, 11:32 PM posted to rec.gardens
Don Staples Don Staples is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2007
Posts: 236
Default So lonely...

"Billy" wrote in message
In article pplyinc,
"Don Staples" wrote:

"Billy" wrote in message
In article pplyinc,
"D. Staples" wrote:

Aiding and abetting the enemy in time of war, summary execution.

There are many who think these wars, and maybe even 9/11 itself, was a
crock. So our speaking-out against the war, may be construed as aiding
the enemy as well.

Does free speech no longer exist in this country??

What are we becoming, Don?

Gut less cowards who would rather grow roses?

Gutless cowards without due process, habeas corpus, or free speech.
You sure you're not a Wahhabi al Quaida, Don?

Methodist, thank you very much, but, due process, habeas corpus, or free
speech have a few little hiccups in the military, all of which lead to the
stockade, some to the gallows. May his trip be short.