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Old 10-11-2010, 02:54 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
'Mike'[_4_] 'Mike'[_4_] is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2009
Posts: 3,959
Default Autum colours in our small garden

"Sacha" wrote in message
On 2010-11-10 12:24:27 +0000, "'Mike'" said:

"Sacha" wrote in message
On 2010-11-10 07:52:05 +0000, "'Mike'"

"Sacha" wrote in message
On 2010-11-09 21:56:55 +0000, "'Mike'"

wrote in message
'Mike' wrote:

that's impressive. Is that a fuschia at the bottom left?
I gave up and moved all mine to Gwen's greenhouse.
Although we still have a lot of roses going for it!

Yes we have quite a few. There is one in the front garden which grows
large and we trim it with the hedge trimmer!! Doesn't seem to do it
harm, in fact it seems to like it!

20 ft wide Peter, and down to the shed about 70 ft from the house
asked some questions by email and I thought I would answer here in
anyone else wants to know)


No, you didn't. You are using other people to further your own ends,
knowing that you are mainly kill filed here because of your horrible,
insulting and mendacious behaviour over many years. It is absolutely
the done thing to reveal who emails you when talking on a group and
know that. But your desperation for acceptance of some kind - any
kind -
knows no bounds.
South Devon

Oh sascha once again you say such wonderful things to me, even twisting
things to your own ends :-))

Please do not kill file me, I will miss your messages to me :-))


As I rarely bother to answer your drivel, you'll have a long wait. Your
hypocrisy is revolting. First you say you're leaving this group and
you return and start insulting people all over again. Then you
people for legitimately discussing matters on here which only YOU think
should go to email and to compound your hypocrisy, you post here
to an email sent to you privately. It's no wonder you're a by-word for
poor behaviour over many newsgroups.


More kind words from sascha :-)

I must correct you on one matter, I didn't say I was leaving your
permanently, only whilst I went on a cruise to the USA and Canada. Had a
wonderful crossing of the Atlantic, a couple of days in New York then a
cruise up the East Coast calling in various places, down the St Lawrence
Seaway to Quebec, up to St Johns then a nice crossing back to

That is completely untrue and confirms my suspicion that half the time you
don't remember what garbage you write or to which group. Ysnip of
boastful rubbish

By the way, on whose authority do you speak?

My own. I don't need anyone else's to tell you that you're a liar and a
hypocritical fool of no mean degree. And now finally, the bozo bin for
you, matey. You've bored and disgusted me long enough.


Go on, you know you don't mean that :-))

You will note that I haven't pruned anything, :-))

Kindest regards from a sunny Isle of Wight


ps. Looking forward to your next missive ;-)

Today, is the tomorrow, you were worrying about, yesterday.