OT opening Kilner jars
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02-10-2010, 08:47 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Roger Tonkin
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2010
Posts: 140
OT opening Kilner jars
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"Moonraker" wrote in message
I always have a problem opening Klner jars, the type with a glass lid.
Releasing the vacuum can be a PITA, the problem is one can easily chip the
lid or bottle rim. Has anyone found an easy fool proof way of opening them?
IME, it's often that the lid is glued on by dried syrup. I usually put the
neck area under a hot running tap for 15-30 secs to remove any excess. Then
lever off the lid with a blunt knife. I've never had the problem with
Exactly my approach, though I always wipe the tops and rubber rings
before sealing, so there should not be any sticky syrup! I use a blunt
knite or lare wide screwdriver. I may damage the rubber ring this way,
but I've never chipped the glass.
Roger T
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Roger Tonkin
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