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Old 01-10-2010, 03:51 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
shazzbat shazzbat is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 780
Default OT opening Kilner jars

"Wally" wrote in message

"Moonraker" wrote in message
I always have a problem opening Klner jars, the type with a glass lid.
Releasing the vacuum can be a PITA, the problem is one can easily chip the
lid or bottle rim. Has anyone found an easy fool proof way of opening
Residing on low ground in North Staffordshire

Don't know much about Kilner jars but thinking about it
there can't be a complete vacuum in them or they would
implode, so try immersing in warm/hot water and the small amount
of air in there would expand making the lid easier to remove.

I may be completely wrong but it's a thought and worth a try ??

Technically what's in them is a depression. The word vacuum is used
incorrectly in many instances, notably "vacuum" cleaner or flask. In the
event that the depression in the jar has been caused by filling the jar with
hot contents which then contracted on cooling[1], heating up again should
release the lid when the pressures equalise, although this may take some
time. Otherwise it's down to the strap round the lid.


[1] Well, how did you think they got the "vacuum" in a tin of paint?