"Frank" wrote in message
On 9/16/2010 5:14 PM, Dan L wrote:
On 9/16/2010 11:20 AM, Dan L. wrote:
In ,
Bill who wrote:
d+politics&source=bl&ots=4rU9bKzNwB&sig=_rGXfRoSMn JragGHmKS4cuC1oJ8&hl=en
&ei=jyiSTJiYL8K78gb8semiBg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct= result&resnum=3&ved=0CD
Seems some folks want to control what we eat and how we eat. I
that stinks.
Don't like it eat some artificial crab meat.
Nothing to Apologize about. Someday gardens are trees maybe not
Just like in the movie classic, "Silent Running" with Bruce Dern.
In that movie the entire planet consumed artificial foods.
Also the "high fructose corn syrup" to be renamed "Corn Sugar".
Sounds much nicer
It would be a misnomer as corn sugar is glucose.
High fructose corn syrup is something else but is functionally
identical to sucrose when put in the high acid environment of sodas.
Food police should bitch about something real.
Hmmm... Fructose and sucrose are two different types of sugar. Sucrose
causes an insulin reaction. Fructose does not cause an insulin reaction.
Fruticose is converted to fat by the liver. A high fructose diet is a
high fat diet.
Source: lookup YouTube.com for a video called "sugar: the bitter truth"
the good doctor explains how high fructose diets causes type 2 diabetes.
The video is one and half hours long, but worth while watching.
I'm a retired chemist, which is why some of this stuff bugs me.
Sucrose from sugar cane or beets is a disaccharide of glucose and
fructose. Corn sugar is glucose and high fructose corn syrup is corn
sugar treated with an enzyme to convert half of the glucose to fructose.
It is not a disaccharide but in the low pH soda environment, sucrose
inverts to the individual sugars, so functionally and nutritionally high
fructose corn syrup and sucrose are the same.
Fructose in the main sugar in fruits. I'm not familiar with the blood
chemistry but did spend a summer as a lab tech in a plant that converted
sucrose and glucose to sorbitol and mannitol.
With those quals, you really should look at the Youtube reference DanL
suggested. You might have the quals to fully understand it, I don't, but
even without them, after seeing it, I was very thankful that I don't live in
the US.