Poor year for runner beans
"Peter James" wrote in message
news:1jo7ayj.b3u8idcjm4bmN%pfjames2000@googlemail. com...
My runner beans have been awful this year. I've got two lots, one lot
in the garden and the other up in the allotment. They've both failed to
produce a decent crop.
Is this just a poor year for them?
This year, for the first time in my life I planted something, beans, painted
lady in a sandy soil.
Germination in pots was poor, about 14 out of 50. The 14 have so far
produced 22lbs of beans and I'm picking them well before I need to (6 to 8
inches) to avoid string.
I also planted 10 moneymaker toms which we can't eat fast enough.
Beginners luck I spose.