Poor year for runner beans
'Mike' wrote:
Lack of preparation of the bed for them
Waaaaaaaaaaay before you are ready to plant, dig trench. Lay old newspapers
in said trench. Fill with old well rotted compost. Two beans to each stick.
Water well. Water well. Water well.
Give surplus crop to neighbours after you are fed up with them and the
freezer is full.
Unfortunately, I only got my allotment in mid-May and was unable to do
any preparatory work other than dig it over, and rush to plant out some
vegetables. The reuslt was a disaster as the rabbits got the lot.
However, since then the Council have put in a rabbit proof fence, and
I've fenced my plot off as well, and replanted.
But as I said, the runner beans were a disaster, and the french beans
not much better. However, my cauliflower are magnificent the curds
are the size of beach balls, and the leeks and cabbages are doing well.
I'll get some over-wintering onions in next week, and the fruit should
all arrive this month for planting out.
I'll be better preapared for next year, that's for sure.
He spoke with a certain what-is-it in his voice, and I
could see that, if not actually disgruntled, he was far
from being gruntled.
P.G. Wodehouse 1881 -1975