Is it just my bad gardening (planting my tomatoes out too late) or has the weather just been awful for growing peppers and tomates
On Tue, 31 Aug 2010 14:23:53 +0100, Moonraker
I grow and have for a number of years, tumbling toms, this has been
their best year by far. Whereas my courgettes which normally crop in
abundance have been sparse
I know a few people growing courgettes in their garden or allotment.
Their crops have been huge. Some of the courgettes are up to 20"
long and good quality. Similarly with marrows.
I grow about 9 varieties of greenhouse tomato from seed.
I gave a neighbour some Country Taste F1 hybrid plants and he keeps
bringing some of his fruit to show me. Some over 2lbs, and one of
over 2.5lbs.
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