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Old 31-08-2010, 03:20 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
mogga mogga is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2008
Posts: 762
Default Is it just my bad gardening (planting my tomatoes out too late) or has the weather just been awful for growing peppers and tomates

On Tue, 31 Aug 2010 05:41:07 -0700 (PDT), furlow


I've been trying to search around on google to find any information on
how other peoples crops in the uk (I'm the east to be more specific)
have done this year. My first year of growing marrow has been great
they obviously seam to do great even at temperatures bellow 20C. My
problem has been with my tomatoes and peppers, I know they both fully
into two different speed growing catagories with the peppers going to
take longer to get a crop. The thing is though on my tomatoes I have
quite a few Trusses, although I only pinched out the growing tip only
a week ago after I decided to give up on getting any more than 3-4
trusses. My tomatoes just seam to be growing very slowly, I have them
outside and not in any poly tunnel or greenhouse, but they just
haven't produced this year, I'm usually not so good at getting my
plants out very early (around mid june), but I usually would have
gotten some tomatoes at least by now. I'm blaming the cold rainy
summer we have had this year. Although its actually quite nice today,
about 25C in the sun. Rant over, How has everybody else's Tomatoes

greenhouse tomatoes are rubbish this year.
A pound or two off them so far.
Green peppers look not much bigger than match heads and aubergine are
just flowers I think.
