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Old 17-08-2010, 11:28 PM posted to rec.gardens.edible
Bill who putters Bill who putters is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2009
Posts: 1,085
Default Ten mistakes concerning tomatoes

In article ,
"Suzanne D." wrote:

"Escargo" wrote in message
"Suzanne D." wrote in

\ Ha, that's like my family of six, who couldn't be satisfied with 60
tomato plants last year!

Thats a good thing, kids need vitamins and yours are obviously getting
I think an early appetite for fruit and veg sets kids up to enjoy them for

Oh absolutely. Kids will eat what you feed them, if you make sure to feed
them the right things early and often. My kids LOVE fresh vegetables. In
good garden years they will barely eat anything I cook inside; they just go
out to the garden and nibble all day.

Do you preserve some of them? If so how, I am always looking out for
different tried and tested methods.

We usually don't have much left over to preserve. I try to make tomato
sauce when we have surplus, but it's been a few years since we did.

My kids knew about wild blueberries early on and looking for edible
pod peas early. But the oldest two still complain in a away about
moving hens for eggs which I wonder if theirs will ever enjoy. Seems I
may have to lead the way but a glimmer of hope did appear and a future
son in law looks like he may consider self sufficiency a worth while
endeavor .

We will see.

Bill S. Jersey USA zone 5 shade garden