Is there an issue with ( or
"David WE Roberts" wrote in message
"Jake" wrote in message
This is technicalish, sorry, but may "interest" the non-technical
I've been playing with things following the earlier "Mixed Threads"
thread. I've set up a second computer using Outlook as its newsreader
and Giganews as the provider. My main PC uses Agent and Easynews.
The earlier "Mixed threads" thread went on about things getting
crossed, mislinked or disappearing altogether. Chris French and I had
some interesting differences of results which we both thought were
unexplainanble (I hope you agree with that Chris). David WE Roberts
suggested a possible link to [server]
My problem with a missing thread is absolutely 100% my Windoze Mail new
reader software.
I could see the thread on the Virgin news feed until I marked it as a
'watched' thread at which point it pormptly disappeared (or 'stealthed'
itself as Windows Mail seemed to know there was an unread posting in a
watched thread but couldn't display the thread for some reason).
I will check on the Virgin news feed to see if the other threads are shown
as crossed.
Same symptoms on ''.
So it is not specific to ''.
I will (when I get the time and motivation) fire up another news reader and
see what that shows.
Dave R