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Old 02-08-2010, 09:34 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Bob Hobden Bob Hobden is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 5,056
Default Is there an issue with ( or

"Jake" wrote
This is technicalish, sorry, but may "interest" the non-technical

I've been playing with things following the earlier "Mixed Threads"
thread. I've set up a second computer using Outlook as its newsreader
and Giganews as the provider. My main PC uses Agent and Easynews.

The earlier "Mixed threads" thread went on about things getting
crossed, mislinked or disappearing altogether. Chris French and I had
some interesting differences of results which we both thought were
unexplainanble (I hope you agree with that Chris). David WE Roberts
suggested a possible link to [server]

There was an assumption that Garden Banter was the problem but I think
we sort of dispensed with that argument. Is David right, though, in
suggesting that is the problem? Another suggestion is
that "highwinds" is a problem but I haven't been able to tie anything
down with them.

I've noticed differences between the feeds of Easynews and Giganews
when the original posts are from Today there have been
some postings from Bob Hobden and David WE Roberts in reply to a
"Repost due to wierd newsreader issue" where I thing DWER was the
original poster and something happened to a post via individual... Am
I right? People may be blaming newsreaders when something up the
stream is the issue.

Sacha and Vicky seem to be using and I'm seeing more
postings from them in Easynews than I am in Giganews.

This is all, of course, bovine by-product for most URGlers and so it
may remain as long as people accept that something, somewhere, is
causing posts to disappear into the ether, at least for some of us.
The lack of response does not imply discourtesy, ignorance or
whatever. It's just we haven't seen your musings.

I've subscribed to URG through my ISP (BT) as well as NIN so will see if
there is a difference (once it settles down).
That said, it was because of problems with BT that I started using NIN in
the first place.
Bob Hobden
W.of London. UK