Bees invaded my little outdoor frog habitat (how to get rid of bees)
On Mon, 12 Jul 2010 04:25:10 +0000 (UTC), Judy Zappacosta
How can I get rid of the bees that just invaded my little frog habitat?
Let me understand. Are you a frog yourself?
For months, I've been watching the tadpoles grow, and the mosquito fish
swim in a tiny 3-foot long by 10-inch wide by ten inch deep "frog habitat".
I stuffed an old blouse and put reeds in there and kept the water level
high and frogs found it. So did the mosquitoes so I added two mosquito fish
to control the larvae.
I guess not.
Everything was fine until the bees found it. Now they buzz around so much
that I'm afraid to watch over my little tadpoles.
How can I get rid of the bees w/o killing the frogs and fish?
(What are the bees doing there anyway; it doesn't take all day to drink!)
First, unless your allergic, getting stung by a bee isn't nearly as
bad as I thought it was. I didn't get stung until I was 27, nad it
wasn't bad, and that was inside my mouth, my cheek. He flew in while
I was eating. It only hurt for about 10 minutes and not much even
then. I used to be so scared but now I let them fly around me when
thy're around and I hven't been stung again in 35 years.
For some reason this occurs to me. I haven't tried it. How about a
vacuum cleaner with a hose. Hold the hose near them and suck them in.
Rubber band a cover over the hose before turning off the vaccum. Later
take the vacuum far away and take the cover off the hose. Or suck up
something to kill them, but there is a shortage of bees these days.
Hive Disappearnace Syndrome. OTOH, maybe not where you live and it's
not like they're going to ride the rails looking for work in