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Old 12-07-2010, 11:13 PM posted to,
songbird[_2_] songbird[_2_] is offline
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Default Bees invaded my little outdoor frog habitat (how to get rid of bees)

Judy Zappacosta wrote:

How can I get rid of the bees that just invaded my little frog

For months, I've been watching the tadpoles grow, and the mosquito
fish swim in a tiny 3-foot long by 10-inch wide by ten inch deep
"frog habitat".

I stuffed an old blouse and put reeds in there and kept the water
level high and frogs found it. So did the mosquitoes so I added two
mosquito fish to control the larvae.

Everything was fine until the bees found it. Now they buzz around so
much that I'm afraid to watch over my little tadpoles.

are you allergic to bees/hornets/wasps?

How can I get rid of the bees w/o killing the frogs and fish?
(What are the bees doing there anyway; it doesn't take all day to

the bees are unlikely to be any kind of
trouble to you if you don't swat at them.

just observe them as you would your
tadpoles and you may be surprised.

for many years i have grown a large
patch of cosmos and i'm out there sometimes
thinning or harvesting seeds or taking pictures
and the various bees, hornets, wasps, etc. have
never stung me more than one time and that
was because i didn't see that i had grabbed
a flower along with some seeds and that flower
had a small bumblebee on it. this is despite the
fact that more times than not i am surrounded
by bees and have them within inches of my
face or hands... of course i do not move
fast or thrash things around, but overall i am
not being super cautious either, just being
generally aware and not swatting and making
sure to not wear things that bees can
accidentally fly in and get caught. oh and i
don't usually wear anything that smells like
flowers either.

remember for most bees the sting is fatal
to the bee. they don't use it lightly. hornets
and wasps are other things (and they do
use them more willingly), but they still
generally don't hang around water to defend
it like they would their nests.

so basically, if there is no nesting going on
around that water/pond then it's pretty unlikely
you will be stung as an observer if you are not
swatting at or grabbing the bees/hornets...
