On 7/11/2010 9:25 PM Judy Zappacosta spake thus:
How can I get rid of the bees that just invaded my little frog habitat?
For months, I've been watching the tadpoles grow, and the mosquito fish
swim in a tiny 3-foot long by 10-inch wide by ten inch deep "frog habitat".
I stuffed an old blouse and put reeds in there and kept the water level
high and frogs found it. So did the mosquitoes so I added two mosquito fish
to control the larvae.
Everything was fine until the bees found it. Now they buzz around so much
that I'm afraid to watch over my little tadpoles.
How can I get rid of the bees w/o killing the frogs and fish?
(What are the bees doing there anyway; it doesn't take all day to drink!)
Sorry I can't tell you how to suppress your bee problem; just wanted to
congratulate you on your good fortune in your little froggie world there.
Many years ago I was lucky enough to enjoy a similar accidental
ecosystem, in Arizona of all places, under a dripping hose bib that
created a tiny little pond that became home to tadpoles. Enjoy it while
it lasts!
The fashion in killing has an insouciant, flirty style this spring,
with the flaunting of well-defined muscle, wrapped in flags.
- Comment from an article on Antiwar.com (