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Old 14-07-2010, 03:36 AM posted to aus.gardens
PC PC is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2010
Posts: 5
Default Lets get these monkeys of our backs... Have fun, as they tax thecrap (literally) on your properties etc...

Let you local parliamentarian know what you think and know about all
this crap being dealt by these "scientists"

A lead author of the next international climate change assessment says
his ice research supports predictions of a doubling in the rate of
sea-level rise over the next century.

Professor Tim Naish, director of New Zealand's Antarctic Research
Centre, has been appointed a lead author of the next assessment by the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

He says rock cores drilled from the Antarctic coastline reveal how the
Earth coped with a hotter climate 4 million years ago.

"It sounds a long time ago but it was the last time that the Earth had a
climate that's very similar to the climate that we are heading towards
in the next century with global warming," he said.

"In fact the earth was a very similar looking place to what it is today."

I wish he would make up his mind.

Then there's this, an honest approach.... From this website

John Daly was concerned that the legitimacy of these de-carbonisation
campaigns was based solely on scientific theories that were both highly
questionable and unsupported by empirical evidence. Although
self-taught, John was a gifted scientist. He was particularly talented
at presenting complex scientific climate data in a format that was
easily read and understood by the layperson. As a result, his web site
appealed to those who wanted to gain understanding of the various
scientific arguments pertaining to the greenhouse effect in order to be
able to contribute to the political issues surrounding the global
warming debate.

The website acquired a huge readership from all over the world; a
readership which included many well-qualified academics and scientists
of repute, who have publicly recognised his scholarship and his
scientific acumen. The non-scientists also appreciated John’s website
both for its content, and because it represented the voice of an
independent and gifted scholar who saw something seriously wrong with
establishment climatology, and took it upon himself to demonstrate why
it was wrong.