Thread: Broken heart
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Old 14-06-2010, 05:43 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Bob Hobden Bob Hobden is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 5,056
Default Broken heart

"PtePike" wrote ...
My brand new allotment has been double alloted.

The local council gave me the plot in Feb. and my family and others have
worked very hard to get the plot into shape for sowing.
We have worked hard and have sown hard, sometimes to exhaustion.

We went up there this morning to see a plough turning in our hard work.

The council says that it is uncultivated and needs urgent attention
therefore the plot has been re allocated.

The plot is 10m by 30m and we had about a quarter of that seeded or
planted in order to concentrate on the other sq/m later as we can.

A council official was called and visited and she said it was
uncultivated and is now alloted to

After further investigation it has been found that this plot was reserved
for a school to teach rural science!!!

The local council have alloted me a new one as I was obviously the

This year for me now is f***ed with all my expectations of a harvest gone
from there, but I still have my home garden.

It really is heartbreaking.

They must give you notice of a bad inspection and time to rectify the
problems, check the small print. Someone at the Council, an employee, mucked
up and needs a good kicking from on high. Complain to the Leader of the
Council and your own Ward Councillor, you can find their contact details on
the Council web site. (probably .. the Council
That is disgusting and I would be spitting bullets if it happened to me, it
was bad enough when we were moved off our last plot to make way for a Park
after years of improving the soil etc. Get the cost of everything they have
destroyed refunded at least and your new plot cleared and dug, it's the very
least they can do to compensate you all.

Bob Hobden
W.of London. UK