Is my silver birch dead?
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26-05-2010, 05:00 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Stewart Robert Hinsley
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 1,811
Is my silver birch dead?
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Clive Holden cliverholden@hotmailremove wrote:
Another problem: I've got a silver birch which was planted as a healthy,
strong 10ft sapling a couple of summers back. Watered it in virtually every
day for the first year and it put on growth last summer. This year to date
however its looking very sorry for itself with no leaves and no sign of any
fresh buds. Could the extreme winter have killed it or is there still a
chance it could show some growth?
WHAT extreme winter? Sorry, but it was nothing abnormal for the UK,
Extreme seasons are not abnormal. We expect them to occur every now and
This last winter was the most severe since 78/79. (Though in this case
the severity was more the prolonged cold spells, leading to penetrating
frosts, that the intensity of the frosts.) Unless circulation patterns
are changing to give the UK a more continental climate I'd guess we
would now expect to see a winter like the last one every 50 or so years.
except in the past couple of decades, and silver birches grow in
VERY much colder climates. It may be dead, but it will be fungal
or similar infection of the roots if so.
But yes, silver birches should be able to handle the cold. Birches might
be the hardiest of all trees, growing north of spruces and firs.
Nick Maclaren.
Stewart Robert Hinsley
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Stewart Robert Hinsley
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