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Old 25-05-2010, 10:58 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Bill Grey Bill Grey is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2009
Posts: 1,129
Default Is my silver birch dead?

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In article ,
Clive Holden cliverholden@hotmailremove wrote:

Another problem: I've got a silver birch which was planted as a healthy,
strong 10ft sapling a couple of summers back. Watered it in virtually
day for the first year and it put on growth last summer. This year to date
however its looking very sorry for itself with no leaves and no sign of
fresh buds. Could the extreme winter have killed it or is there still a
chance it could show some growth?

WHAT extreme winter? Sorry, but it was nothing abnormal for the UK,
except in the past couple of decades, and silver birches grow in
VERY much colder climates. It may be dead, but it will be fungal
or similar infection of the roots if so.

Nick Maclaren.

Of course the winter was abnormal !

If it was the norm, then my concrete block steps would have been burst by
the feezing in other years. Only this last winter did that happen so it was
certainly abnormal taken in the light of experience over the last twenty
years at least.
