I just got 3 SAE ordered online from
They've been ordered for two weeks and haven't heard much from
I got my SAEs from them, and I found them very responsive. I think they only
ship on Tuesdays, because shipping is fastest on Tuesdays. (Mondays tend to be
crazy, because of the weekend backlog of mail, and after Tuesday, you run the
risk of the fish sitting in a truck over the weekend if anything goes wrong.)
I got e-mail from them when my order was placed, telling me when they were
planning to ship. They sent another e-mail confirming the delivery date when
they sent it.
I'd have been quite annoyed if the fish didn't arrive the day they said they
would, since I took a day off work to wait for the package.
Any suggestions on what to
feed them?? Treid Nutrafin Spirula tablets on bottom and on side
but they just swim by them, same thing with the otto's I've had for 3
My SAEs and otos don't seem to like spirulina tablets or algae wafers much,
though they'll eat them if they're hungry. They prefer "fresh" food, like
algae or slices of cucumber or zucchini. The SAEs also like flake, and
blackworms, once they're big enough to take on a blackworm. I buy Tetra
Spirulina Flakes for my SAEs, which they seem to like better than algae wafers
or pellets. (The ancistrus, OTOH, loves the wafers/pellets.)
However, your SAEs will probably do fine foraging for algae in your tank, at
least for a few days. I didn't feed mine for the first two weeks (following
Chuck's recipe for setting up a planted tank). They were fine. There was no
visible algae in the tank, but the SAEs got noticeably bigger and fatter, even
though I wasn't feeding them.