Pond: doomed? (blanket weed)
On Fri, 23 Apr 2010 12:00:19 +0200, John L wrote:
Our pond contracted blanket weed a few years ago and we've been fighting
it ever since.
This Spring it looks more aggressive than ever, thickly coating every
surface. Is it time to consider throwing the whole lot - liner and all -
If so: when's the best time? Obviously after the tadpoles have
disappeared, but then wait until the "Back End"? And save _nothing_?
The simplest way to control blanket weed is to stick a length of batten (I
use a piece of 2"x1") into the weed and twirl it round. When you have a
good load on the batten just remove it and scrape it off onto the edge of
the pond and leave it for 24 hours to let the invertebrates return to
their habitat.
If you do want to remove the liner the best time is in the autumn when
there should be the least impact on any amphibians. Whilst you will be
able to get rid of the blanket weed completely for a (probably short)
while it will return!