On 05/04/2010 18:37, Derek Turner wrote:
On Mon, 05 Apr 2010 17:53:30 +0200, David in Normandy wrote:
Yep. Grasses of all sorts seem to be very susceptible to glyphosate.
Around this time of year when the weeds start to sprout on my veg plot I
go around and spray the lot. There aren't many parts of the garden that
still have veg in - leeks being the main exception at the moment so
there is no fear of killing off the wrong plants due to spray drift etc.
Saves a lot of hassle later on.
The only other veg in there are peas, onion sets and potatoes.
My peas are up now - I'd better get some fleece around them to keep the
pigeons off. Onion sets have settled in - the birds have distributed a
few here and there so I'll need to pop them back in again. Potatoes
aren't up yet - they are still shivering underground. ;-)
David in Normandy.
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