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Old 01-04-2010, 03:36 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Marq Marq is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Mar 2010
Posts: 30
Default Connecting Two Water Barrels (Butts)

"Bill Grey" wrote in

"Ed" ex@directory wrote in message
The first water barrel (A) on my allotment is at the top of a slight
slope and is fed by rain water gathered from the roof of my shed. I
want to put in a second barrel (B) in a direct line (no bends
involved) from the first barrel and down a slight slope. Both are
fitted with taps, but I would always prefer to drain the water from
the lower barrel B as it is a little more accessible. How best to
connect these?

I have options to run a connection pipe from the upper barrel (A)
to the lower barrel (B) as follows:

1. Connect from top of barrel A to top of barrel B
2. Connect from top of barrel A to bottom of barrel B
3. Connect from bottom of barrel A to top of barrel B
4. Connect from bottom of barrel A to bottom of barrel B

Which would be the best option?

Thanks for replies in advance.


Go for option 1.

I decided to install a water butt last year and discovered that it
filled up in abut three quarters of an hour after heavy rain. When I
saw it overflowing, I decided to put another butt along side it and
fed the overflow from the top of butt "A" into the top of butt"B".
Both have taps and the system works brilliantly.. Placed butt B a few
inches below Butt "A" to make the connection easier.

Hope this helps.


I have watched this discussion with interest.
It all depends how much higher (a) is than (b)

If (a) is higher than (b) then (a) needs a tap at the bottom in order to
fill (B).
OK, (a)lets say is 12" higher than (b), then (a) will fill (b) to 12"
because a liquid, in this case water, will find the natural level.
ie:horizontal and perfectly so.

If (a) had a tap in the middle then (b) would fill 12" higher than the
tap in (a)

Of course you can control this by turning on/off at (a)

It is exactly as a surveyor or a shipwright would use a theodolite.

Hope this helps.