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Old 01-04-2010, 01:20 PM posted to uk.d-i-y,uk.rec.gardening
Ed Ed is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2008
Posts: 259
Default Connecting Two Water Barrels (Butts)

On 01/04/10 12:04, Dave Liquorice wrote:
On Thu, 01 Apr 2010 10:37:00 +0100, Ed wrote:

So all I need to do then would be to connect a length of hose between
the two taps and leave then in the open position during rainy times so
that both barrels fill ?

Yep but it's a "thinking" solution. You have to remember to reconnect
the hose and open the taps or go out in the rain when you remember
you haven't done it... The average pastic water butt tap and tank
connector are not the most robust and normally don't take a hose

I prefer non-thinking KISS stuff, the simple siphon is a good one.
Priming is the hard bit but sink all the hose into one butt so it
fills with water, block and end with your thumb, take that to the
other butt and submerge it before unblocking.

I don't know what KISS stuff is but I have just tried the siphon method
as you described and it works brilliantly. WOW!! Really easy to set up
and no cutting of tanks for connections , no new taps required, no pumps
required. Nothing, just a length of tubing weighed down at the bottom
of each tank. And I guess the water levels in each take will remain
balanced no mater which tank I draw water from eh?

Kisses and hugs (in the purest of senses, of course) to you mate for
your very helpful reply.
