Connecting Two Water Barrels (Butts)
"Ed" ex@directory wrote in message
The first water barrel (A) on my allotment is at the top of a slight
slope and is fed by rain water gathered from the roof of my shed. I want
to put in a second barrel (B) in a direct line (no bends involved) from
the first barrel and down a slight slope. Both are fitted with taps, but I
would always prefer to drain the water from the lower barrel B as it is a
little more accessible. How best to connect these?
I have options to run a connection pipe from the upper barrel (A) to the
lower barrel (B) as follows:
1. Connect from top of barrel A to top of barrel B
2. Connect from top of barrel A to bottom of barrel B
3. Connect from bottom of barrel A to top of barrel B
4. Connect from bottom of barrel A to bottom of barrel B
Which would be the best option?
Thanks for replies in advance.
3 with a ballcock valve to cut off the supply when B is full.