cow manure leeds area
On Thu, 25 Mar 2010 07:33:01 -0700 (PDT), bob
gently dipped his quill in the best Quink
that money could buy:
Good afternoon ,does anyone know of a dairy farm in the leeds area who
would let us collect some cow manure,i want to try a method of using i
heard about where you fill a hessian sack and dump it in a barrel for
a week and use the liquid as a tomato feed,dairy farms around leeds
seem to be fewer and fewer these days,tia
The modern dairy farms produce very little quality manure but could
fill the London Underground with slurry !
Look for a farm that housed beef cattle over the winter, indoors.
Ask local butcher ?
To be honest, there is a plethora of "feeds" for tomatoes which would
be better.
Mike P the 1st