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Old 15-03-2010, 10:03 PM posted to misc.consumers.frugal-living,uk.rec.gardening
David WE Roberts[_2_] David WE Roberts[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Mar 2010
Posts: 185
Default different way of feeding fish

"john hamilton" wrote in message
I've got masses of goldfish in a big water storage tank in the garden in
north London (uk) and buying endless bags of fish pellets is working out
expensive over the years. Is there any home made food that would work out
a cheaper way to feed the goldfish. Thanks for any advice.

We never used to feed our goldfish in the garden pond.

Then again we had lots of plants in so there was a reasonably healthy
ecosystem and loads of natural stuff for the fish to eat.

One think you can do is get a bag of Daphnia from a pet shop (used to feed
indoor goldfish) and introduce that.
If they breed they will provide some natural food.
Fish will also eat pond weed so you could introduce some of that.

You may just have too many fish for the pond - I remember we gave our
neighbours some spare weeds from our pond (they didn't have any) and the
fish promptly ate them all. Wrong fish to weed ratio!

You could always give some away, or get another tank and let that establish
a healthy ecosystem with pond plants before transferring part of your fish
stock into it.

If you don't feeed them constantly, goldfish will normally grow and breed
until they run out of spare food and then settle down.


Dave R