A Nouncement
Anne Welsh Jackson wrote:
Rusty Hinge wrote:
Sorry I've neglected the Garden - my internet dongle became an internot
one, but has suddenly revived - for how long, we shall see.
Just downloaded nine hundred amd more headers to play with - that's not
counting the Shed, URMC, the Teashop and other gruppen.
I may be a little time...
Take all the time you need! Lovely to see you back.
Aw, thanks Anne.
Dongle been playing-up I thought, and only working on 3G, but suddenly
it's working on GPRS again. I suspect the Vogonfone notwork.
ooking forward to 'oppin' this year - I'll senjer a bottle of beer if
the vine delivers enough for a brew.
Last year it produced enough cones for about a pint...