Stewart Robert Hinsley wrote:
In message , Ben Short
I saw an old country house on TV called Eggleston Hall that had ivy
growing up it and I would like it on my house.
I would like on that's fast growing and one that changes colours with
the seasons (red in Autumn) can someone please point me in the right
If it changes colours with the seasons then it's not ivy (Hedera
helix). You may be thinking of Boston ivy (Parthenocissus
tricuspidaria) or Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia).
There are actually ivies which turn colour in the cold: H. helix is a
very variable species. But in my experience, they need to be a few years
old, and rather undernourished. There is, or used to be, one beside the
road into Pembroke Dock which went an elegant dusty pink, and another
which went pink and yellow growing up the sides of a rock railway
cutting outside Neath.
I remember the names of two firms: Whitehouse Ivies, and Fibrex
Nurseries. If they're still in business, their catalogues will be
tempting...but see SRH's remark below:
Someone else no doubt will common as to whether growing it on a house
wall is a good idea.
I've done, and regretted, it. It will find the slightest crack in
masonry or woodwork, and prise it open while your back is turned. I
really don't advise it.