In message , Sacha
On 2010-03-08 08:27:31 +0000, "Bob Hobden" said:
"Stewart Robert Hinsley" wrote
Ben Short writes
I saw an old country house on TV called Eggleston Hall that had ivy
growing up it and I would like it on my house.
I would like on that's fast growing and one that changes colours
with the seasons (red in Autumn) can someone please point me in the
right direction.
If it changes colours with the seasons then it's not ivy (Hedera
helix). You may be thinking of Boston ivy (Parthenocissus
tricuspidaria) or Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia).
Someone else no doubt will common as to whether growing it on a
house wall is a good idea.
As Stewart has said, ivy stays green so if you want autumn colour
that is not the plant for you. A quick growing ivy is also a PITA, as
like any quick growing plant it does not stop growing when you want
it to, so you would have to constantly be at it with the pruners to
keep your windows and doors and eventually roof free of it. We had a
large leaved variegated ivy over a fence that I eventually killed as
it was just too much trouble.
Personally I would look at Wisteria if you really want something
growing up your house, it does not self cling so does not damage the
brickwork and it's a lot easier to keep pruned, only one big prune in
winter and a few tidying up sessions during the growing season.
Nothing like the problems ivy will cause you.
Wisteria looks wonderful but you do have to watch it doesn't get into
gutters or roof tiles because eventually - if neglected - it will take
them off.
Yup, though it seems less work than ivey - which is also very damaging
if left alone for long enough.
And it's naked in winter, as is Boston ivy or Virginia creeper. We
have a small leafed ivy growing up one side of our house - don't know
its name but it's variegated green and 'silver' and very pretty. We
also have Paddy's Pride which is a very large leaf variegated green and
gold. That has taken ages to get going but now looks very good.
I does look nice, But I found the Ivy we had here on the house wall to
much of a PITA - it went after a couple of years. Then again we have Ivy
all over the place in this garden (it was left to grow too much by the
previous owner really) . Over the garden walls, going up tress, up the
stable wall and onto the roof - Some trees are so covered in the stuff
you can hardly see the tree - so maybe I'm a bit biased
Chris French