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Old 17-02-2010, 07:54 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Pete[_9_] Pete[_9_] is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2009
Posts: 349
Default Allotment agreement with Council - sign or not sign

"'Mike'" wrote in message

Not if leaving in the foregoing material demonstrates the relevance of
the answer. Snipping was particularly important in the days when most
people had a dial-up connection and one of our resident bores - who never
posts on topic and whose sig. isn't relevant - drones on and on about it.
In fact, most urglers are pretty good at snipping, unless they think the
original posts need leaving in to illustrate the point. Or unless we get
into a punfest! When new people post, it seems to me that both for them
and longterm posters, it's more clear if the original post is left in, at
least for two or three answers. JMO.

There are many who will not agree with you.

Me being one of them

Kindest possible regards


Me too! You left in a lot of stuff that was not relevant to point you
appeared to be trying to make.
The signature in question !

Somewhat long agreed.
Just a gentle mention was the need !
