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Old 16-02-2010, 09:34 PM posted to rec.gardens
EVP MAN EVP MAN is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2010
Posts: 235
Default Using Soaker Hose Irrigation

Most vegetable gardens seem to need one or two inches of water a week
depending on how hot the days are. Since I don't know how long to run
my soaker hoses, I may try this as a test. I will bury three
containers at ground level, one near the beginning of the hose, one in
the middle and another one near the end. I will then turn on the water
and let it run for an hour. Next, I'll measure the amount of water in
each container for depth. For example, if I measure a half inch of
water in the containers, I'll know that I have to run my system 4 hours
a week in order to get two inches of water to my garden. Does this
sound like it will work?
