What you have is a Cymbidium Orchid. They can be grown outside but
should be protected from freezing. Placed up next to the house when
frost is expected will help. I grow mine in smooth river rocks. Water
ounce or twice a week, depending on the heat, fertilize with 1/2
teaspoon Grow More per 5 gallons of water each week. That's right 1/2
teaspoon to 5 gallons of water. Like all orchids they do not need very
much fertilizer, to much and it stunts the growth or even kills them.
Good luck with your prizes. Ernie
On 18 Apr 2003 09:41:48 -0700,
(K) wrote:
Hello all, and thank you in advance for any ideas you may have.
First, I freely admit I know very little about orchids, and apparently
some of what I 'know' is wrong!(ie., 'orchids are hot house
plants/indoor plants, and must be planted in special bark mixtures).