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Old 31-01-2010, 02:09 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Phil Gurr Phil Gurr is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2009
Posts: 192
Default Royal empress (Royal Paulownia) seeds, uk??

"alison1971" wrote in message

I am really desperate for some garden privacy, and a fence just isn't
After studying online i come up with the royal empress tree, it appears
to grow fast, but is ative to the U.S.
Does anyoe kow if this tree will grow well in the UK? Has anyone grown
or had any experience with this tree?
I have bought some seeds online and have them ready to sow asap, and am
hoping for some success.....
I have read may forums etc about this tree, but all the posts are from
the U.S and as i am in lancashire, england, it doesnt seem to apply.

I have a Paulownia tree here which is about 15 years old, but it really
doesn't like a cold winter. It is about 10 feet high but in a hard winter it
dies as much as it grows each summer. Still, the tree survives (and is
probably waiting for global warming), but you might well have more success
in Lancashire. It certainly grows fast, reaching a height of 10 feet in
around 5 years.

Northern Highlands of Scotland