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Old 22-01-2010, 03:27 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Muddymike Muddymike is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Nov 2006
Posts: 503
Default The ice is melting

"Stewart Robert Hinsley" wrote in
message ...
In message , Ragnar

"Muddymike" wrote in message
news:PpadneXI5qe4wcTWnZ2dnUVZ8kWdnZ2d@brightview .com...

I posted this link to the picture of the pot plant that was
covered in ice last week and so far no one has identified it
me. Is it really so rare or did you miss that part of the
question? I would love to know what it is, and whether you
it will survive being encased in ice. Its about two feet
tall by the way.


Has the look of a daphne to me, but some description of the
flowers would be


My first thought was an Aeonium, but I don't imagine that would
have survived being frozen. The other plants that come to mind
are Daphne laureola (spurge laurel) and Euphorbia amygdaloides
(wood spurge); as the latter is herbaceous I'll plump for
spurge laurel

This Daphne laureola
looks very similar but none I have looked at have the curly
leaves in grouped in balls like mine.

It has survived very cold winters outside in the past but never
has it been ice bound like this year. Thinking about it I
remember this plant in this pot at my mothers house some 8 years
ago, it always lived outside then as well.
